Saturday, May 14, 2011

How to Use Classic GNOME Session on Ubuntu 11.04

The following tutorial will teach our readers, and all Ubuntu users out there, how to switch their Ubuntu 11.04 desktops to the classic GNOME session, used in previous Ubuntu releases.

Don't like Unity? You want to use your old classic GNOME desktop in Ubuntu 11.04? Look no further, we have the tutorial for you. It's easier than you might think!

Many of our readers have requested this, so here it is guys... an easy, step-by-step with screenshots tutorial about how to dump Unity and switch back to the old and classic Ubuntu interface, using GNOME's two panel session.

Parted Magic 6.0 Gets a New Booting System

Parted Magic 6.0 has been released. The latest update gets a new major version number, due to some underlying, structural changes, and comes with a number of updated, as well as downgraded, packages.

Several changes have been implemented which should make booting significantly more reliable. Many booting issues should be fixed now, though, since this is a new system, others may have creeped in.